Sunday, August 17, 2008

1 -

We're having our baby baptized only it's at John M. Greene Hall (JMG - big lecture/concert hall where I went to college). Fr. A. is there from the church we currently attend. As part of the service, we have to light candles in this 6-candle candelabra but they just won't stay lit. When we finally get them lit, one or two melt down incredibly quickly. After the service, I run into SN, my boss. I'm changing the baby on a table (that looks like the dining room table from the house I grew up in) in the stage left wing. There is a stack of large acoustic ceiling tiles standing on the floor nearby.

2 -

John and I are taking the girls sledding. It's a family run commercial operation. We're trekking through farm fields to get to the sledding hill/facility. We run into the people that live behind us and their kids. Somehow I get separated from John and the girls but I do manage to find my way back pretty quickly - I just got on the far side of a hedgerow. We finally come to an area where some young (teenage) workers are directing people and they hand John and I snow shovels - blue handles with white plastic blades - and point the way.

Access to the sledding hill is through a building that's sort of a changing room kind of thing. You get into a building through an upwardly inclined chute and a narrow trap door. It seems that this was more designed to drop things out of the building that get into it. The building has the qualities of a second rate ski lodge. Everything's kind of dim and made of plywood. There are banks of steep plastic slides all over. I am surprised because there is a goodly drop between the end of the slide banks and the floor - at least a foot to two feet in some cases. There are a lot of people milling about half-dressed in snowgear (again, very ski lodge-ish). Each family gets their own little changing room.

The plastic shovels are to sled on - you sit on the blade and steer with the handle. We realize we don't have one for the girls. John goes to the main common area of the building and gets a single shovel with double wide blue blade for the girls. For some reason I have to go outside to get something. I get stuck in line behind a heavy lady trying to get in through the chute. She can't figure out how it's done. I explain how to do it and she slowly wriggles through as I wait (rather impatiently). I almost get stuck when I do it and am a little embarrassed at being frustrated with her.

We're finally almost ready to hit the hill. I'm looking out of our changing room to the next part of the building. It's in two levels. The bank of slides in this room has a huge (10') drop at the base. I see snow and water trickling down/off the slides. Then I see what I think is a doll go down but it hops to its feet at the bottom and I realize it's an older man. I'm worried about keeping the girls from accidentally going down those slides.

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