Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ok, I haven't remembered a dream in a while but, yow, I'm kind of wishing I didn't remember this one.

It seems we were out with friends and kids at some sort of resort for the weekend. (John's "growing up" friends and their families.) I'm at the front desk of the hotel - which is a series of little booths, almost like the ticket windows at an arena (but done in teak, etc. not plastic and metal) - and his friend JP is at the other window. JP is trying to make chitchat with me but it's overly familiar chitchat, suggestive. My business is done and I try to say goodbye and get the hell out of there when he looks me full in the face. His eyes are all funny - I mean, they look like eyes, but he looks crazy, possessed (Twin-Peakian). The words coming out of his mouth aren't anything alarming but I know that he wants to rape and possibly kill me. I'm trying to reach John on my cellphone but can't. I'm terrified. I back away and he starts to follow but he's called up to the window and he can't get away right then. I wonder if I should call his wife and warn her.

I flee across the street to another hotel where there is a conference going on. I'm not registered for the conference and the hotel is just about booked - they don't want to rent me a room. I'm desperate to get registered and upstairs to call John before JP gets done across the street and figures out where I went. I con the desk clerk into thinking I own a timeshare in the hotel and she gives me a key. I can see JP coming in the door as the elevator doors close behind me. I don't think he saw me but there's enough uncertainty that my heart is still pounding.

I examine the keys (there are 3) the clerk gave me, wondering which one to use.I decide to use the key with the white plastic top and I go up to the top floor and let myself into the room, locking the door behind me.

I check out the room for safety (entrances/exits/ways JP could get at me) and try to call John again. It's a very nicely appointed room, luxurious even, and has a very large, clear bathtub surrounded by a greenhouse-like enclosure on an outdoor patio on the roof. I'm checking the greenhouse enclosure to see if it's secure enough for me to dare take a bath as it looks so peaceful. I'm still frantic when I wake.


Normally in dreams when people are trying to kill me (ok, I need a short label for 'people trying to kill me'), I'm very calm and just do what I need to. In this dream, I was frantic and absolutely panic-stricken terrified. I woke up with adrenaline still rushing through my veins.

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