Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ok, I know I've been dreaming but I have only two mental images left for 3 days worth of dreams...

From three nights ago -
I'm picking up a very long cat turd from the floor with a kleenex.

From two nights ago -
I'm in some sort of fish truck with a friend and she's showing me a fish wrapped in plastic wrap on one of those white styro trays they use in meat departments. It's got kind of a shimmery rainbow effect on its scales. We've (she's) been making the rounds of restaurants/homes dropping off various fish/seafood. This is the only one left. I ask "what's that?" She says, "This, my friend, is a Undeliverable Fish."


I think I'm going to adopt that term "Undeliverable Fish"... to mean something along the lines of an idea that's totally escaped my mind (like these dreams evaporated). It was just something about how she stated it... Very random but wicked funny and apropos (in the dream) all at the same time.

So there you have it, cat turds and undeliverable fish.

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