Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm sitting at an L-shaped desk laying out a church songsheet / bulletin - the old fashioned way. (I'm doing a paste up.) The choir director doesn't know I'm doing it for her; it's a surprise to say thank you because she did something special for my child's baptism. I'm doing several week's worth and I remember, after I've completed one and most of another, that, unlike the church I grew up in, this church changes its service music* seemingly at random. I realize that it's entirely possible (likely even) that I've pasted in the wrong service music and I'd better check and fix it.

I'm frustrated with myself for not remembering this and I'm also afraid of screwing up. The desk is littered with bits of paper, tape, paste, scissors, lots of piles of stuff. I decide I need to step away from the task for a few minutes because I'm getting overwhelmed and, therefore, more likely to make a mistake.


Unlike a lot of my dreams, I know exactly where this one came from. I was working on some proposal materials for my job last night and I tweaked the titles on a couple of pages without being told to. I realized after I went to bed that I might not have had the most recent versions of the documents I tweaked. (Fortunately, for all involved, turns out I did have the most recent versions and all is well.) I'm pretty sure the dream was my mind's attempt to remind me to check on that this morning. Worked, actually. (Though it's kind of funny... I didn't remember the dream until I was changing the baby's diaper and then had to recite the details to myself over and over so that I wouldn't forget whilst feeding her!)

*The Ordinary of the Mass - the Kyrie, Sanctus, etc.

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