Monday, August 4, 2008

Ok, the first thing I have to say is that if anyone knows how to improve "middle of the night" penmanship (other than turning on the light and putting my glasses on), I'm all, eyes.

1 -

This is where my penmanship sucks. I have this note. It says something that looks like "pwkng SGC cw owl-oreo-eating are" Ok, the second part is "SGC at outdoor eating area" but I can't figure out for the life of me what I was trying to write/mean with "pwking"2 -

2 -

I must've been on a stream of Stargate-character related dreams. Now, of course, could I get a nice, er, cozy dream featuring Jack O'Neill? Of course, not. I get Vala pulling a scam and getting me roped into it somehow.

I'm with Vala and I'm dragging my beat up suitcase from college - softsided tweed thing that my grandfather bought off an infomercial. We stop at what looks like a beat up old machine shop from the 1930s/40s. Squat, cinderblock or brick, tiny, high windows. There are two garage bays with very, very large garage doors and "flap" that comes down so that people working in the garage can have the doors open but still be kept warm. We are, apparently, trying to escape the law. Or rather, she is, and she got me tied up into it somehow. I'm running around the shop trying to find places to hide; she's looking for something but I'm not exactly sure whether it's a place to hide or something to steal. I'm worried we're screwed (yet, frustratingly, not by the aforesaid Colonel/General) as the police are right behind us. The owner of the shop comes in and then I'm even more worried but he seems to realize that I'm an innocent bystander that got sucked in and he's helping me evade being caught by hiding me.

3 - (busy night last night)

I'm in a dining room in an old house - it's my house in the dream but doesn't really look like my RL DR). The room is being renovated. Something skitters across the floor onto a pile of stuff. It looks like a mouse and I point it out to DH. Then I realize it has black flappy things on its furry back and I yelp that "it's not a mouse, it's a bat!" I want him to do something about it but he seems stunned that there's a bat in the house. It takes off and flies around the room as I'm saying "how the hell did a bat get in the house?!" He says it came in through that hole in the wall. "What hole in the wall?!" I say. I'm thinking the walls should be covered with colonial-era raised paneling but then I realize we've taken the paneling down for the renovations. I look at the walls, they're bright pink (orchid) and rough plaster over lathe. About 9' up and almost to the right edge of the wall to my right, there's a 2" hole - perfectly round - as if some pipe had gone through there at some point.

The bat lands on the edge of the hole and I start to edge closer. The bat seems to be changing into something else. It's not sitting like a bat, it's sitting like a bird. I realize it's now a (very small) redwing blackbird. I grab my camera - granted one doesn't want birds in one's house either but how often will I get a chance for that picture? As I start taking pictures, I realize it's changing - the house has disappeared and we're outside. The bird is getting bigger and brighter as it walks around in the undergrowth. The red and yellow flashes on its wings are spreading over the rest of the bird. I'm taking a steady stream of pictures. The feathers seem to be getting fluffier somehow and it is taking on the shape of a peacock but a peacock that's red/orange/flame instead of blue/green/black. The card in my camera fills up as the bird is changing even more. I'm trying to grab and put in a new card quickly without scaring the bird. I'm looking at the fresh card. It's in a translucent orange case. I realize it's a 4MB card not the 1 MB card and I'm not sure it will work with my camera. As I'm taking it out of the case, I wake up.

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