Thursday, January 15, 2009

I dreamed last night I was at some sort of street festival. It was being held off the main street in an old mill town. City-style buildings, maybe 3-4 stories high at most. I'd wandered to the main street with a friend and as we were standing there, a jet landed on the main street. I was talking about the jet's landing gear being rotary gear instead of conventional gear (which makes no sense to me now) and was pointing out some aspect of the landing gear when I happened to glance up and realize that the pilot made an impossible landing by missing the overhead wires which were strung across the street. He landed through a gap between sets of wires that was barely as long as the plane. I yelled to another friend that it was a hell of a landing but realized she couldn't hear me. I walked over to the plane where a bunch of airport people I know were gathered and repeated myself.


I realize today that this may have been somewhat precognitive. Although today's impossible landing was in the water and not a city street, the plane was about the right size for an A320. Despite the utter impossibility of such a landing, it occurred and no one was killed in either my dream nor the reality. Also, witnesses say they actually wondered whether the plane was some sort of sea plane, the landing seemed so unprecipitous; seaplanes land on floats, a different type of landing gear certainly than conventional gear.

This is kind of odd, I know, but, for all that I'm a pilot, I don't dream (at night) about flying.

So, at any rate, I think it was a bit precognitive which doesn't happen to me much.

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